Website of the artist : www.olimilch.com
Olivier Milchberg : guitars, flutes, keyboards, percussion
Guests : Sabine Debruyne (violin), Vincent Debruyne (viola), Frederick Mennerat (tablas), Carol Denis (vocals)
Production : Muance Productions (Musavida), 1988
Enregistrement : Studio Muance 05300 Eourres France
« A path for the soul, starting at the edge of our awareness, first simple, naïve, and that enriches itself here and there with ever new blossoms. A journey full of images and soul tastes, ever fresher.
The subtle presence of styles from the past blend with the present on a continuous pulse, the pulse of our time, our heartbeat, with its continuity, slows, rushes and secrets.
A friendly invitation (especially with the pan pipe) to an inner journey, proposed by a very original, thoughtful and delightful sensivity ! »